Aspergillus oryzae – NBRC 4075

Aspergillus oryzae - NBRC 30113

Aspergillus oryzae – NBRC 4075

NBRC No. NBRC 4075
Scientific Name of this Strain Aspergillus oryzae (Ahlburg) Cohn
Synonymous Name
Synonym: Aspergillus oryzae var. globosus Aspergillus oryzae var. micro-vesiculosus Aspergillus oryzae var. microsporus Aspergillus pseudoflavus
Type Strain
Accepted Date 1941/01/01
Isolated Year
Deposited Year
History IFO 4075 <- GRIF <- C. Thom, 113 <- C. Wehmer
Other Culture Collection No. ATCC 1011=ATCC 12891=ATCC 4814=ATCC 7561=ATCC 9102=BCRC 30289=CBS 102.07=CBS 110.47=IAM 14468=IFM 47646=IFM 47669=IMI 16266=IMI 44242=JCM 2239=NBRC 30105=NBRC 5375=NCTC 598=NRRL 447=NRRL 692=RIB 1031
Other No. 113
Rehydration Fluid 707
Medium 1
Cultivation Temp. 25 C
Oxygen Relationship
Source of Isolation
Locality of Source
Country of Origin
Biosafety Level
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Condition for Utilization
Comment Representative culture
References 2415
Sequences ITS-LSU rDNA D1D2 ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 calmodulin LSU rDNA D1D2 18S rDNA
Shipping as Glass ampoule (L-dried)
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