Vibrio ezurae – NBRC 102218


Vibrio ezurae

NBRC No. NBRC 102218
Scientific Name of this Strain Vibrio ezurae Sawabe et al. 2005
Synonymous Name
Type Strain type
History IAM 15061 <- Hokkaido Univ. (T. Sawabe, HDS 1-1)
Other Culture Collection No. LMG 19970=IAM 15061=JCM 21522=CIP 108520
Other No. HDS 1-1
Rehydration Fluid 934
Medium 934 ; 340
Cultivation Temp. 25 C
Source of Isolation Gut of cultured abalone, Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis
Locality of Source Kanagawa
Country of Origin Japan
Biosafety Level
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Comment Genome Information: PRJDB359 (NCBI BioProject).
References 4652
Sequences 16S rDNA