Leuconostoc cremoris – NBRC 107766

Leuconostoc cremoris - NBRC 107766

Leuconostoc cremoris

NBRC No.NBRC 107766
Scientific Name of this StrainLeuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (Knudsen and Sorensen 1929) Garvie 1983
Synonymous Name
Synonym:Leuconostoc cremoris
Type Straintype
Accepted Date2010/12/07
Isolated Year
Deposited Year2010
HistoryNCIMB 12008 <- NCDO 543 <- E.I. Garvie, LF2
Other Culture Collection No.ATCC 19254=BCRC 14047=CCM 2078=CCTM 2731=CCUG 21965=CIP 103009=DSM 20346=IMET 10693=JCM 16943=LMG 6909=NCDO 543=NCFB 543=NCIMB 12008=NRRL B-3252=VKM B-1420
Other No.LF2
Rehydration Fluid310
Cultivation Temp.30 C
Oxygen Relationship
Source of IsolationHansen’s dried starter powder
Locality of Source
Country of Origin
Biosafety Level
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Condition for Utilization
Sequences16S rDNA
Shipping asGlass ampoule (L-dried)

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