Streptomyces alboniger – NBRC 12738

Streptomyces sp

Streptomyces alboniger

NBRC No.NBRC 12738
Scientific Name of this StrainStreptomyces alboniger Porter et al. 1952
Synonymous Name
Type Straintype
HistoryIFO 12738 <- SAJ <- OWU (ISP 5043)
Other Culture Collection No.ATCC 12461=ATCC 19722=CBS 461.68=DSM 40043=JCM 4309=JCM 4563=NRRL B-2403=RIA 1003=ISP 5043=AS 4.1695=BCRC 11606=CECT 3270=HAMBI 53=KCTC 9014=NCIMB 13007=NRRL B-1832=VKM Ac-838
Other No.IMET 43691=UNIQEM 118
Rehydration Fluid707
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Source of IsolationSoil
Locality of Source
Country of Origin
Biosafety Level
ApplicationsAchromycin (puromycin);production
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Sequences16S rDNA