Streptomyces albiaxialis – NBRC 101002

Streptomyces sp

Streptomyces albiaxialis

NBRC No.NBRC 101002
Scientific Name of this StrainStreptomyces albiaxialis Kuznetsov et al. 1993
Synonymous Name
Type Straintype
HistoryDSM 41799 <- VKM (L. Evtushenko) <- INMI (V.D. Kuznetsov)
Other Culture Collection No.CGMCC 4.1876=VKM Ac-691=DSM 41799=NRRL B-24327
Other No.
Rehydration Fluid707
Cultivation Temp.28 C
Source of IsolationHighly mineralized stratal waters of the oil field
Locality of Source
Country of OriginRussia
Biosafety Level
ApplicationsOil hydrocarbon;degradation
Mating Type
Genetic Marker
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Herbarium No.
Sequences16S rDNA